Questions and Answers

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What can I do if no single fuel form is enough to power my sauna?
Have the stove designed to work with a combination of fuel types so that it has sufficient power.  The Stove Bureau at Furnace Art Engineering is experienced in developing stove designs based on a combination of fuel types.  Every project is unique. Call us to find out what we can do for you.
How long do your stoves retain their heat?
Light steam is guaranteed after one heat-up cycle for up to 48 hours.
Do you carry out heat transfer calculations?

We carry out a heat transfer calculation of the sauna stove and steam room as a matter of course for every stove project we create in order to guarantee that the sauna works as 'a little bit of heaven’. We take a variety of factors into account from the features of the premises to the operating mode, steam volume and intensity of visitor flow. For more details, see our 'Materials and Technologies' page.

How do your stoves differ from those of other manufacturers?
Our stoves outshine the competition in every detail: light steam guaranteed, up to 48 hours steam regime after a single heating cycle, inbuilt steam room ventilation system, minimum 20-year stove life-cycle, highly efficient and environmentally friendly, unique design in response to every individual steam room, highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Every stove we create is a work of art and a triumph of engineering.
Is the sauna stove easy to use?
 In all Furnace Art Engineering's sauna stoves, the ventilation system can be controlled with the movement of one hand (patent).
How does the ventilation system work?
The air which has become saturated with vapours is extracted out of the steam room from beneath the stove. Fresh air from outside is warmed before it enters the breathing zone. The stove provides an air change rate of 4 and the intensity is adjustable. The ventilation system is neat, continual and works without requiring the guests to leave the steam room. 
Why does the steam room need to be ventilated?
Naturally the guests using the steam room sweat and so if there's no ventilation, the air quite quickly becomes unbreathable. This is particularly important in a commercial sauna. Our stoves have a built-in capacity to ventilate the steam room evenly and continually. The ventilation rate is adjustable.
How long will a sauna stove last?
Typical sauna stoves last for five years or 2-3 years under commercial exploitation and then they need repair, sometimes a major overhaul. Our stoves have a life cycle of more than 20 years. If anyone other than Furnace Art Engineering claims that their stoves do the same, just ask them to demonstrate the stove. You can read more about the exceptional durability of our stoves on our Materials and Technologies page.
What is better, an open or closed stone stove? What's the advantage of having a closed stone sauna stove?
 In a closed stone, sauna stove, the core can be heated until it glows red-hot and so it will retain the heat for up to 48 hours - considerably longer than in a stove with an exposed core. We only use the open stove design in 'black-style' saunas. In a 'black-style' sauna, the core will only produce light steam for up to three hours. When an open stove is installed in a 'white-style' sauna, it is basically the type of heater we have nicknamed a metal 'misconception'. We don't make them.
What is the difference between a stove used for noncommercial and commercial exploitation?
It’s basically down to power, size and volume. The construction of a commercial sauna stove is more substantial and is designed to sustain daily operation. The stove core has a greater mass and its components are laid slightly differently. Sauna stones aren’t used in very large commercial stoves. The stove finish is more practical and utilitarian in design. For more information, see the Gas-fuelled Sauna Stoves page in the Commercial Sauna Stoves section of our website
What kind of stove should I choose for my sauna, a masonry stove or a metal one?
There simply is no alternative. Only the traditional design of an authentic masonry stove will do. Anything else is a poor compromise. You can read more about the rationale behind choosing a traditional masonry stove on any of our stove pages, e.g. Wood-burning Sauna Stoves.
How do I remake my sauna into a Russian steam room?

Get rid of the metal 'misconception' that masquerades as a stove and order a traditional, masonry stove designed for a Russian sauna; Light steam and a little piece of heaven guaranteed!

What kind of fuel does a sauna stove run on?
A sauna stove can be constructed to run on wood, gas, electricity, pellets as well as high purity diesel fuel. We can also make combination fuel stoves. Our stove design bureau will take into account all your concerns when it comes to choosing a fuel type. We can work with any kind of fuel which means that we can install a sauna stove almost anywhere, even in a city apartment.
Can you make a stove that is fuelled by pellets?
Yes, and we can also make stoves that are fuelled by wood, gas, electricity and even high purity diesel fuel.
Can I order a stove for a small steam room?
Yes, as long as the ground area of the steam room is not less than 5m2. The stove can also be partly extended to take up an area in the next room or outside the premises.
What stones are used in a sauna stove? /stones for a stove in a sauna / stones for a stove in a sauna which are best
The core or nucleus of your magnificent future sauna stove will consist of special cast iron and semi precious nephrite jade. The fibrous structure of the jade stone is resistant to thousands of heating cycles in addition to which, light steam produced from jade has a wonderful aroma.
How do I choose a stove for a wood-burning sauna? / choosing a stove for a wood-burning sauna
I assume this question refers to the ready-made, metal structures, which we at Furnace Art Engineering have nicknamed 'misconceptions'. We only produce custom-made, classic, wood-burning stone stoves. All our stoves are based on the blueprint of a design proven and perfected over centuries using modern day materials of the highest possible quality.
What kind of stove should I install in my sauna? / what kind of stove should I choose for my sauna? / choosing a sauna stove / how to choose a sauna stove
A truly authentic, traditional, masonry stove. We compared typical, modern-style, sauna heaters with a traditional Russian stove and could not find a single pro in favour of the electric heater, except for its low cost. For more information, check the comparison table on any of our stove pages, e.g. Electric-fuelled Sauna Stoves.
What types of sauna stove are there? / types of sauna stove

Furnace Art Engineering has its own stove bureau which designs traditional, masonry stoves for 'white-style' and 'black-style' saunas, wood-burning, electric-fuelled, gas-fuelled and combination fuel stoves, including stoves that will work on pellets and diesel. For more information, see our Sauna Stoves for the Home and Commercial Sauna Stoves pages.

How should a sauna stove be constructed?
As a rule, a traditional stone stove for a Russian 'white-style' sauna is made from ceramic bricks and consists of a fire box and an additional chamber with an enclosed core or nucleus at its centre from which steam is produced and emitted. The stove for a 'black-style' sauna also has a fire box but the core itself is exposed. For more detail on how sauna stoves work, see for example our page Wood-burning Sauna Stoves and 'Black-style' Sauna Stoves.
What is the difference between a sauna and a Russian ‘banya'? (What is the difference between a sauna and a steam room and how do they affect the body?)
With rare exceptions, a typical modern sauna is at best a hot draft and heavy steam that leads to discomfort and poor health. A classic Russian ‘banya’ on the other hand, is light steam and gentle heat in the steam room leading to a feeling of renewal and good health, a little piece of heaven. The reasons why a typical sauna and a Russian ‘banya’ produce a different bathing experience are explained on our Commercial Sauna Stoves page. 
Can an electric heater produce light steam?
It's totally impossible for an electric heater to produce light steam because at a temperature of around 300°С the stones are 'cold' and have no heat holding capacity. Water might hiss loudly when it makes contact with the ‘rocks’ but nonetheless, the steam produced by an electric heater is heavy and actually harmful to one's health. The so-called 'Russian sauna mode' on an electric heater or stove is a blatant swindle. Don’t be deceived. Take care of yourself. For more information on the study of microclimates see our Sauna Stoves for the Home page.
What is a sauna stove core?
The core or nucleus of a sauna stove is made up of cast iron which is laid in a particular way and covered with a layer of sauna stone. This kind of sauna core heats up more quickly than other types of stove and retains heat for longer. The core is what generates light steam. The main function of a sauna stove is to heat the core to about 900 °C and maintain that temperature for as long as possible.
What is light steam?
Light steam is the type of steam you get when hot water is splashed onto the special heated core  or nucleus found only in a traditional, Russian sauna stove designed especially for this purpose. When the steam forms, it produces a characteristic flapping sound similar to the wings of a large bird. Light steam is so finely dispersed that it remains invisible to the bathers in the sauna and no moisture can be felt as the steam passes into the sauna room. Breathing is easy and the body warms through harmoniously. For more information, see our Sauna Stoves for the Home page.
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