Our guarantee
Over the past twenty years we have brought more than 300 sauna stoves to life and to this day, every single sauna wood burning stove created by Furnace Art Engineering still works like clockwork. The term of service of a conventional stove rarely exceeds 5 years, after which it will require repair, even a major overhaul. That will never be said of our stoves. Thanks to our special engineering approach, the use of highest quality materials and observation of best production standards we have extended the life cycle of our stoves to 20 years. This serves as the foundation of our guarantee.
Our company guarantee goes beyond a simple warranty. We continue to provide help and support throughout the life cycle of every sauna stove we create. Our guarantee consists of the following:
Manufacturer's Warranty
We undertake full maintenance service and commitment to support the normal operation of the stove, including labour and materials for the first two years after the stove has been commissioned. Whenever you call we will be there and will do everything in our power to ensure that you can continue to enjoy our product. Our warranty agreement is attached to the stove construction contract. When the manufacturer's warranty comes to an end, we continue to offer technical support.
Steward's warranty
At the end of the first two years, a period of stewardship commences during which we offer a contractual technical maintenance service. But that is not all. Whenever necessary we will be there and will do everything possible to ensure that you can continue enjoying our product as soon as possible. You may need to provide certain materials but the cost of sauna at home will never include charges for labour required to restore the stove's efficiency, the only exception being that the user has failed to comply with conditions of the stove's normal usage. We have total confidence in our product.
Instructor guarantee
Naturally, after the commissioned stove is complete and your sauna is fully ready to go, we will give you careful instructions on how to get maximum reciprocity from your beautiful stove. Instructions have the tendency to be forgotten though and when this happens, nothing could be simpler than to pick up the phone. You have our telephone number and may call us any time, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to receive comprehensive consultation on your stove's exploitation. We are always happy to help.
Non-warranty repair
Ten years after the stove has been commissioned, notwithstanding your stove's outstanding resource, it may still be necessary to conduct minor repairs or upgrades (e.g., if the stove has been operated carelessly). Even a grand piano has to be tuned from time to time. Any alterations that may be necessary will be carefully planned. Just let us know beforehand when you would be a convenient time to receive our stove-masters at the premises.
Note. Our warranty does not cover consequences or circumstances of force majeure or cas fortuit and stoves that have been lined by contractors other than Furnace Art Engineering.