
Heating Stoves

Wood burning heating stoves for the home

Note: In our opinion, there are no benefits to using a metal heating stove, other than the fact that they are inexpensive. This kind of stove has to be fed continually, since it has zero heat storage capacity, and after contact with red-hot metal, the air dries the respiratory tract and causes dizziness. It is extremely difficult to achieve very long burning times in domestic conditions (despite the supposed advantages of “pyrolysis" advertised). None of this is actually necessary. Any reasonable person would choose a traditional masonry stove.

Here we share some features of heating stoves that you may not have heard about before, but always hoped to find in your search for the ideal heating system for your home.

A real masonry heating stove is in many respects superior to other types of heating system. The stove’s considerable stone mass can store a significant volume of heat which radiates out into the house during the day. In cold weather, a couple of armfuls of wood is sufficient to heat up the stove. In freezing temperatures, you might need a third load.

A masonry stove creates an exceptionally cosy atmosphere in the home. The reason for this is that the stove’s radiant heat predominantly heats the objects and bodies in the house rather than the air around them. The stove also "breathes". During heat up, the stove emits accumulated moisture, and during cool down reabsorbs moisture, maintaining ideal humidity levels in your home. With household heating using radiators (central heating or private boiler), the room temperature must be 22°C for a person to feel comfortable. By comparison, a masonry stove creates the same level of comfort at 18°C.

Our wood heating stoves are totally safe. You can go to bed, completely unconcerned as soon as the last batch of logs has fully burnt through. Our masonry stoves have a number of unique properties due to the technical perfection of their design. Would you like to know more?

United Kingdom
Masonry Heating Stoves

Declaration of Technology

Benefits of the masonry heating stove

Creating superb quality wood heating stoves is a real artform. Your finished stove must be able to withstand thousands of heat up cycles without cracking and should guarantee that no smoke escapes into the room.

Every stove is individually designed drawing on our considerable experience and developments in engineering, and full compliance of national best practice guides for chimney and stove manufacturing, as well as up to date construction standards and legislation. 

The stove ventilates the room

This vital function results from one of the stove's internal contours. Fresh air from outside enters the stove where it is heated and emitted into the upper part of the room. In the meantime, air in the home that is low in oxygen content is carried outside and utilised. While the stove is still warm and emitting heat into the house, the built-in ventilation system will continue to function. Ventilation intensity can be regulated using special valves that are easily operated by the movement of one hand.

In-built humidity control

Stone stove create an exceptionally cosy atmosphere. The stove’s radiant heat warms the objects and bodies in the room rather than the air around them. The stove "breathes". During heat up, moisture is emitted and reabsorbed during cool down maintaining ideal humidity levels in your home.

Rapid heat-up

A medium-sized batch of logs burns quickly and cleanly without creating creosote within 1-2 hours.The heat generated stores in the stove’s large stone mass (min. 4 tonnes). The stove surface stays at about 60°С (safe for children and animals). When outside temperatures are -10°C or lower, the stove needs to be heated for just one hour a day. A cold house can be heated up within 3 hours using the special turbo heat-up setting.

Exceptional durability

Rarely do conventional stoves including gas fire stoves and electric heating stoves run for more than five years of year-round operation without requiring a major overhaul. Our stove is the exception. It has a life cycle (resource) of as much as 20 years. How is this possible? There is a secret to this achievement and it lies in individual engineering analysis and design, the use of highest-quality materials and the filigree workmanship of specialist craftsmen. The most common cause of stove failure is lack of homogeneity in thermal expansion throughout the construction. Our tried and tested expertise ensures that our customers will never have to deal with this kind of issue.

5-Year Return

One truck load of logs should last for 3 years. One kW of heat generated by firewood works out 10 times cheaper than electricity. The combustion of one Kg of firewood releases about 5 kW of heat, 80% of which heats the house. A stone heating stove pays for itself within 5 years.

Environmental friendliness

The efficiency factor of our stoves is as much as 80%, an exceptionally high figure for a wood burning stove. The smoke channels inside the stove are designed to ensure almost total combustion of stove gases which explains why the heating stove produces so little smoke.

Stunning interior

The fire-box door can be glass-fitted to reveal the fire's dancing flames. An exquisite tile finish transforms a stove into the jewel of any interior.


Features of a masonry heating stove

In a masonry stove, a medium-sized batch of logs will burn quickly, within 1-2 hours, and the heat is stored in the large stone mass weighing 4 tonnes and upwards. The logs burn quickly and cleanly without creating creosote. Once heated, the stove will emit a radiant heat into the room for a long time without drying out the indoor air. The stove surface will stay warm at around sixty degrees celsius.

When the temperature drops below -10°C outside, the stove is best lit daily. One hour is plenty. It’s hard to heat a cold house quickly, unless you know the trick. Once the first batch of logs has burned down (takes half an hour), close the chimney damper and open all the other stove doors (furnace door, cleaning door etc) for about an hour and a half. The heat generated is equivalent to having a 2 kW electric heater switched on for 8 hours. Once the 90 minutes is up, load the second batch of firewood to bring the stove itself up to temperature.

Economics. If your home is heated by a wood-burning stove, one truck load of logs should last for three years. One kilowatt of heat generated by wood is 10 times cheaper than electricity. One kg of firewood releases about 5 kW of heat and even if 20% of that heat disappears up the flue pipe, 4 kW will heat the house. The average heat loss of a house in winter is 0.1 kW per m2 per hour. Based on these calculations, a masonry heating stove completely pays for itself within 5 years when compared to the costs of an electric heating system.

Calculating heat transfer is our starting point for any wood stove heating project. The stove must have the capacity to fully heat the house even when temperatures drop way below freezing. Taking into account the qualities of the materials, thickness and square footage of ​​the walls and ceilings, the number and total square footage of ​​windows and doors, as well as ceiling heights, we calculate your home's consistent heat loss. The greater the difference between the inside and outside temperatures, the greater the heat loss will be. Once we have ascertained the comfort temperature you prefer to have in your home and the seasonal temperature changes outside the walls, we can work out the heat output your stone stove will need also building in sufficient margin for fluctuations in weather temperature. The weight, mass and surface area of your masonry stove will all depend on your required heat output as well as your chosen heating stove design, Russian or Dutch.

The stove loves you. That's why the house feels so cosy.

Masonry Heating Stoves


Getting to know
the customer and brief
modelling, design and costing
pre-assembly and production schedule
creating and lining the stove, finishing the steam room interior
delivery and instruction
and care throughout the stove life cycle

Which is the right model for you?

Furnace Art Engineering specialises in two types of wood burning heating stove, the Russian stove and the Dutch stove. Below there is a brief outline of the benefits of each model to help you choose which would most suit your home.


Russian stove

Dutch stove


Heating and cooking

Heating in a mild winter, can be used for cooking as well.


Ingenious design. Bi-stable vortex afterburning fuel circuit, a sophisticated, virtual flue channel that keeps flows separate without using physical partitions.  Special form of fire chamber arch (triple drum shape). Thick chunky walls.

Classical design tried and tested over centuries. Channel-bell-modified, with sequential gas convector. Physical channels for stoves gasses, brick. Walls are thin to medium thickness.

Dimensions and heat capacity

Large proportions in plan view (the stove base) and high heat capacity, require less frequent heat up (once a day).

Small and medium-sized dimensions in plane view (stove base), medium heat capacity, requires more frequent heat up (up to twice a day)

Heat up and cool down rate

Slow heat up and cool down.

Rapid heat up, medium rate cool down. If the chimney gate is not closed after heat up the stove cools down more quickly.

Heat output



Efficiency (efficiency factor coefficient)

High, efficiency up to 80% (exceptional and unattainable for other conventional heating appliances such as electric and gas heating stoves).

Increased in Furnace Art Engineering stoves of this kind, up to 50% efficiency, typically 40-45%.

Fuel requirements

Firewood of any quality burns completely, avoids buildup of tar and soot. No chimney sweep required.

Requires good-quality firewood. Poor-quality, cinder fuels form soot. Chimney requires cleaning periodically.


Most complete, fire located only in deepest area of firebox chamber. Produces no sparks for the same reason.

Requires thermashield pad to protect floor from falling embers.


A decorative tile finish will transform your Russian stove into a true work of art. Our top-end tiles are the perfect adornment for wood burning stoves.

The fire door can be fitted with glass so that you can enjoy watching the flames flickering in the fire chamber. As a rule, the stove finish is a tile lining.


Fitted with a wooden stove bench (decking) in the upper stove area.

Can be fitted with a rest bench around the stove perimeter.

Healing qualities

The stove will cook delicious, healthy food. Sleep enjoyed on a Russian stove is highly restorative.

For heating only.


Masonry Heating Stoves

Which stove?

Masonry Heating Stoves

Сейчас мы расскажем Вам об отопительных печах много такого, чего Вы, возможно никогда и не знали, но всегда надеялись встретить в поисках совершенной системы отопления Вашего дома! Настоящие кирпичные отопительные печи на дровах длительного горения по многим параметрам превосходит другие виды отопления. Существенная каменная масса позволяет запасать много тепла, которое печь отдает дому в течение суток. Двух закладок дров в холодную погоду обычно бывает достаточно для растопки, а в мороз можно добавить третью закладку. Кирпичная печь создает в доме исключительно комфортную атмосферу. Причина в том, что печь своим лучистым теплом преимущественно греет окружающие предметы и тело человека, а не воздух. А еще печь "дышит". Во время растопки печь выделяет накопленную влагу, а при остывании – поглощает, поддерживая влажность в доме в идеальном состоянии. Сравним: человеку, чтобы чувствовать себя в помещении хорошо, нужна температура 22 С при отоплении батареями (центрального отопления или от собственного котла), тогда как каменная печь создает тот же уют уже при 18 С. Пользование дровяной отопительной печью вполне безопасно и можно спокойно отойти ко сну, когда последняя закладка дров полностью прогорела. Наши печи обладают рядом совершенно уникальных свойств благодаря техническому совершенству конструкций. Хотите знать больше? Особенности работы кирпичной отопительной печи. В каменной печи средняя закладка дров сгорает быстро, в течение 1-2 часов, а тепло запасается в большой каменной массе, от 4 тонн. Дрова горят быстро и чисто, не образуя креозота. Нагретая печь долго отдает лучистое тепло в помещение. Поверхность печи при этом будет теплой, оставаясь в пределах 60 С. Печь не пересушивает воздух в помещении. Расположение печи и требования к фундаменту. Мы не будем подробно останавливаться на этом вопросе, поскольку для правильного ответа на него нужно учесть множество нюансов. Приступая к проекту, мы тщательно изучаем постановку задачи и разрабатываем ряд технологических решений, которые затем найдут свое применение в инженерной модели конструкций отопительной печи. Теплотехнический расчет помещения. С него мы начинаем работу над проектом создания отопительной печи. Ведь мощность печи должна быть достаточной, чтобы отопить дом даже в мороз. Принимая во внимание характеристики материалов, толщину и площадь стен и потолков, количество и площадь окон и дверей, высоту потолков, мы рассчитываем постоянные тепловые потери, которые несет дом. И потери эти будут тем выше, чем выше разность температур внутри и снаружи. Зная температуру, которую Вы считаете для себя комфортной в доме и сезонные колебания за окном, отопительная печь на дровах длительного получит мощность – с достаточным запасом. Масса, объем и площадь поверхности печи зависят как от мощности, так и от конструкции печи – русской или голландской.
+ 44 203 318-44-54