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The Culture of ‘Pareniye’
In this article, we do our best to answer the question: How do you get the best from your steam room? Every individual gradually develops their own style, which may depend on age, the amount of free time a person has, their health and habits. The recommendations given here are intended to help everyone get the maximum health benefits and feel good factor from 'pareniye', the thermal procedures of a Russian banya. The experience of a Russian 'banya' goes beyond that of a conventional sauna. It's a little piece of heaven and the glowing health that results from the positive experience of a Russian sauna.
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Eating and Drinking in the Sauna
An authentic Russian sauna brings joy to the soul and health to the body. The health benefits of proper bathing, in moderation, are absolutely enormous. The proper approach to bathing in a Russian sauna, ‘banya’, extends to the food and drink you consume during a visit to the sauna. A sauna session lasts for several hours and consists of several exposures to the steam room interspersed by intervals of rest. During this time, you will undoubtedly want something to eat and drink. In this article we share recommendations on what to eat and drink, when and in what proportions during a visit to the Russian banya.
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Sauna Beauty Benefits
An authentic Russian sauna, 'banya', is perhaps the most powerful spa procedure there is. The impact of the Russian banya on the body is due to its special light steam and soft heat. The Russian sauna improves metabolism and stimulates circulation. High levels of steam and soft heat cause the body to sweat profusely and detoxify. The pores open and the skin begins to breathe. A natural exfoliation process takes place, the skin is renewed and acquires a healthy glow and tone. The Russian sauna can even conquer cellulite! Everyone will notice your radiant, healthy glow after a Russian banya.
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Sauna Health Benefits
An authentic Russian sauna is one of the most powerful, integrated spa procedures in the world (Spa - Lat. sanita pro aqua, ‘health through water'). The Russian sauna simultaneously affects the human body in various ways. The sauna activates most bodily organs and systems, has a profound rejuvenating effect, stimulates detoxification and heals the emotional body. There are obviously other effective methods of restoring a person's health, but when it comes to simultaneous action from a number of different angles without resorting to the use of pills, the Russian sauna is beyond competition.
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The Sauna and Elderly Family Members
Regular use of an authentic Russian sauna is an effective way of prolonging an active lifestyle in members of the elderly generation. As the Russian saying goes, 'every day spent in the banya, is one day further from old age'. The traditional Russian sauna is safe for older people to use and we recommend having a sauna session at least once a month. In this article, we look at the benefits of the Russian sauna for the ageing body, special steam session procedures for the elderly, as well as health conditions under which the sauna should be used with caution or even avoided.
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